Wax additives

Deuteron OG 250

The use of Deuteron OG 250 affects the surface characteristics of aqueous coating systems.

The low melting point of the used paraffine-wax reduces unwelcome high slipperiness of certain binders (dispersions). Because of this property the product is also suitable as an additive to produce water-based „soft-feeling-lacquers“. On the other hand the use of Deuteron OG 250 can increase the slipperiness of coatings, when the properties imparted by the used binder are not satisfactory.

Aqueous finishing lacquers, packing lacquers, printing inks and aqueous wood stains. „Soft-feeling-lacquers“ for industrial application (combined with matting plastic Deuteron MK).

Information about Deuteron OG 250

Technisches Merkblatt


Technical Data Sheet


Avis Technique
